Effectiveness of the New Salary Increase

June 26, 2024

To all esteemed clients and friends of PG Law:

We would like to remind you that effective next Monday, July 1, 2024, the minimum wage in Puerto Rico will increase to $10.50 per hour. 

This increase will apply to all workers covered under the Fair Labor Standards Act. As an exception, the increases will not apply to: 

i) employees in the agricultural industry;

ii) employees of government agencies, instrumentalities, municipalities, Judicial Branch and Legislative Branch of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico; 

iii) employees exempted under the classifications of "Administrators", "Executives" and "Professionals", as such terms are defined by Regulation Number 13 of the Minimum Wage Board. 

On the other hand, tipped employees shall be entitled to the federal minimum wage in effect for such workers, which added to the tips, must reach at least the minimum wage of $10.50 per hour established in this Act.   

If you have any doubts about this issue or about how to comply with Law 47-2021, do not hesitate to contact any of our attorneys.

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